14 Day No Risk Guarantee
Try BARB at no risk! BARB comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our hope is that your business is transformed via the business skills you develop through this program. We also expect you to give it your all, because change requires work – sadly there is no magic bullet to building a coaching business. That’s why in order to be eligible for our 14 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, you must submit proof that you did the Module 1 coursework.
If you do the full Module 1 coursework, don’t feel that it helped you, and submit your mastery sheet within 14 days of purchase, we’ll promptly refund your course fee. To be clear, if you do not include your completed coursework requirements within the 14 day period, no refund will be issued, and you will be responsible for making the remaining 11 program payments. It’s up to you to submit on time.
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